Quality and Certifications
The company has introduced the concept of TPS (Toyota Production System), focusing on the elimination of waste, process optimization, careful analysis of non-compliance and the daily sharing of information, ideas and problems.
The company policy is Kaizen, i.e. continuous improvement, with constant involvement in the field and in processes, even by management and directors.
For this reason we are always improving quality processes to guarantee optimal levels of service, developing and supporting a process of total staff involvement that, with the constant raising of awareness of Quality at all levels of the company, works in compliance with Quality System and Environmental norms UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 for which the company has obtained certification.
Of strategic importance for operating in USA and Canada markets was the gaining of UL certification in 2010.
You can find our name on the UL site, with our file number E342376 in the Online Certifications Directory.
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